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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Take Refuge in the Lord

Psalm. 5:11

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy”.

What does it mean to take refuge in the Lord?  Does it mean that God will protect us from the world and all of its harm?  We all know people who are Christians, who know God and have a deep relationship with Him, who have suffered.  So, taking refuge in God will not provide us or our loved ones physical safety. 

Taking refuge in the Lord means that we are given a place of peace to turn to, spiritually, in times of trouble, in times of doubt and unrest.  We have access to this place of refuge through prayer, scripture, worship and service to others.

While events swirl around us, we have a great source of peace and rest.  God is our refuge.  Let our hearts sing for joy.  

May the love of Christ be with you

Rev. Eric Lanier (Retired)

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